APRIL 2, 2025
Blaine County Fairgrounds
Chinook, MT
Our annual production sale is held the first Wednesday in April at the Blaine County Fairgrounds in Chinook, Montana.
This year we will have around 50 spring born yearling angus bulls for sale. We haul the bulls to the fairgrounds the Monday before the sale so that they are available for viewing prior to the sale and on sale day.
Our spring bulls are weaned around the first of October. They are pulled off the cow and head straight to Hould Bull Development Center in Malta, MT. They are started on a high roughage ration that promotes a healthy, gradual gain. We don't believe in pushing our bulls for high gains. Our goal for the group as a whole is to be around 3.25 lbs daily gain. We want them to leave the feedlot and sale in their working clothes - ready to go to work for your program. We want our bulls to cover your cows without losing large amounts of weight and wearing out by the end of breeding season.
2024 Lot 1 - NA Resilient 319
2024 Lot 4 - NA Rainmaker 331